Enrollment Process
Resident Applicants
As a neighborhood school, the first priority in admissions is given to students who live in its attendance area in the Pacific Palisades community of Los Angeles.
To find out if you are in our attendance area for enrollment, please go to lausd.net, click on Find a School, and then go to Resident School Identifier.
Enrollment For New Students TK-5th Grade
Neighborhood students: please use this link for enrollment: http://enroll.lausd.net
Non-neighborhood students can apply at: apply.lausd.net
Marquez Elementary Charter School provides a free, nonsectarian, public education for students in Transitional Kindergarten through Grade 5.
We serve an urban, multicultural, multiethnic student body without regard for ethnicity, sex, age, national origin, or disability.
The school’s educational program serves students of all abilities ranging from those who require remedial attention to gifted and highly gifted children.