Current Families » Carpool Procedures

Carpool Procedures

Morning Drop-Off (7:30-8:15 am)
Enter from the north side of Marquez Avenue or Ida Way.  The Drop-Off lane is marked off with orange cones.  Please pull all the way forward towards the lower yard gate.  Do not exit your car. A school staff member will make every effort to help your child/children exit your vehicle.  Kiss your child/children goodbye and scoot them out the door.  Please have your child/children ready to exit – shoes tied and backpacks in hand.   Do not drop-off until after the staff parking lot driveway.


Park and Walk: Parents who park in the streets and walk in may meet their child/children down on the lower yard.  

Walking Home:  Children who walk home won’t be impacted. They will simply inform their teacher or staff member that they are walking home.

Street Parking:
There is plenty of parking on the surrounding streets.  We are fortunate to have so many all-day parking options.  Please be extremely courteous and considerate to our resident neighbors.  Do not block their driveways.  Avoid turning around in driveways.  Do not honk horns, discard trash, or walk on lawns.  Refrain from creating unnecessary noise.


Please Note:  There is an after school program through the Beyond the Bell program with adult supervision until you are able to pick them up after school before 6:00 p.m. Please fill out and submit the Beyond the Bell permission slip at the main office.

Click on maps to enlarge

Arrival Map
Dismissal Map
Pick Up Lane Tips:
  • Look out for children crossing at the crosswalk.
  • Do not cut in the Pick-up Lane.
  • Do not block driveways.
  • Children should exit vehicles ONLY on the passenger side.
  • DO NOT use the Faculty Parking Lot as a drop off or pick up location.
No Parking!!!

There is no parking in front of the school during Passenger Loading Times: 6:30 AM - 9:00 AM and 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM (Parking Enforcement will ticket).